The VBREA website is dedicated to our membership who are retirees from the City of Virginia Beach which is located in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.
Through their vision, city retirees have proudly become... “A Lifeline for a Lifetime”
Collectively, VBREA members proudly represent THOUSANDS of years of service dedicated to city leadership and to the citizens of the City of Virginia Beach.
Please review each tab above for more details...get to know us better...join our membership! ClickHERE to visit our MEMBERSHIP page to download the application.
February 2025 VBREA General Membership Meeting February 19, 2025 - 12:00 noon Gus and George's Spaghetti and Steak House 4312 Virginia Beach Boulevard, VB Speaker: Karen Fortier, Attorney Karen is a returning speaker and has been well received at previous meetings. Her topic will be on Elder Law. In order to insure sufficient staffing at the restaurant, please RSVP by calling or texting Nancy Moore at 757-576-3405 or email at [email protected]. (See CALENDAR page for more meeting dates and locations.)
Virginia Retirement System (VRS)
New Mailing Address
Please make note of the new mailing address for VBREA below. This website and all VBREA documentation will be changed to reflect our new address.
VBREA 2449 Princess Anne Road Building 14, Room 233 Virginia Beach, VA 23456
2023 VBREA Survey Results
VBREA distributed a survey with the 2024 Dues Statements. Thank you to those members who returned the survey. Members have spoken and here are the results. The first page is the tally of the 93 surveys returned. The consecutive pages details comments received, each survey returned was assigned a number 1 to 93. Please know the Board of Directors will keep the results in mind for future planning.
The VBREA Facebook page is now active. Please search Facebook for VBREA or for Virginia Beach Retired Employees Association. (Or use the Facebook link at the bottom of the page.) This page is private to only active VBREA members. If the page does not ask you to join, then you are not on the correct page. If you have any problems or questions, please email us at [email protected].
Some emails sent by VBREA are bouncing back as blocked or invalid. Make sure you are receiving all emails from us by making [email protected] a "safe sender" in the settings of your email account. If you are not receiving emails from VBREA (approximately 1-2 per month), please email to the address above from your valid email address so your email can be added to or corrected on the mailing list.
VBREA NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! VBREA is in desperate and dire need of volunteers to assist on committees!! This is your organization and without more volunteers VBREA is in danger of folding. See the ABOUT US page for descriptions of VBREA committees then email [email protected] to volunteer and help keep VBREA afloat!
WANTED: New Locations for General Membership Meetings The VBREA Involvement Committee is researching alternate sites for our General Membership Meetings. Criteria: Must have a separate meeting room that can seat at least 30 people and plenty of parking that is close. If you have any suggestions for the committee to look into, please email [email protected]
We want to stay in touch with you! Has your email address changed? Or any of your other contact information? Our members are traveling the world and some have relocated to distant places. Members, if you have changes to your personal contact information, please email the Webmaster or send it to our mailing address below.
Mailing Address: VBREA 2449 Princess Anne Road Building 14, Room 233 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
VBREA Webmaster: [email protected] (or use mail link at bottom of page) Questions?? Please contact us!!