Hopefully everyone is keeping warm during this extremely frigid cold spell! The next general membership meeting will be on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at Gus and George's Spaghetti and Steakhouse at 4312 Virginia Beach Boulevard in Virginia Beach. We have a popular returning speaker this month -- Karen Fortier, Attorney. Karen will be speaking about Elder Law. Come out and join us to learn from our speaker and great camaraderie with fellow CVB retirees! In order to insure sufficient staffing at the restaurant, please RSVP by calling or texting Nancy Moore at 757-576-3405 or email at [email protected].
VBREA invoices for 2025 dues were mailed out last fall and, if you have not already, we would appreciate returning the invoice with your dues as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email us and we will get a reply to you.
If you are interested in joining the VBREA Board, think about coming to one of our Board meetings. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to attend so you will have the correct meeting time and location. Our start time varies depending on the agenda. Also, take a look at the Bylaws and Duties and Responsibilities documents on the ABOUT US page of this website to see what each position entails.
The VBREA Facebook page has been up and running for a few months now. Please search Facebook for VBREA or Virginia Beach Retired Employees Association or go to the link at the bottom of every page of this website or at the bottom of any VBREA email you receive. You must be an active VBREA member to join. If the site does not ask you to join, you are NOT on the OFFICIAL VBREA Facebook page. There are other CVB retiree Facebook pages that do not require membership, but VBREA does not administer those sites, so make sure you are joining the correct one to insure you see official posts from us.
Get Involved!! VBREA is looking for a volunteer to serve as the chair of our Benefits Committee as well as members to serve on the committee. We are also looking for members to serve on our Membership Committee and our Communications Committee. You, the members, make VBREA what it is by participating! Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to volunteer. Please help to continue making VBREA a wonderful organization for City of Virginia Beach retirees.
For those of you who cannot make it to the meetings, Board meeting minutes are posted on the "Stay Connected" page of the website. Information from our speakers is posted on the "Services and Opportunities" page. Check out the valuable information and brochures our speakers have provided.
The Involvement Committee is continuing to work out details for alternate sites for our meetings. If you have any suggestions for meeting sites and/or speakers, please email their information to the attention of our Involvement Committee at [email protected].
The VBREA website is updated often so check it out often to stay informed about events and other messages posted which relate to retirement issues. Add VBREA.org to your favorites. Also, check your email often for important information from VBREA as blasts are sent by the Communications Committee. Check your Spam folder just in case the VBREA emails end up there. Also check the calendar for upcoming VBREA and City events. So much is going on and I want each retiree to be informed and enjoy. Be sure to inform us with address changes if you move or if you change your email address so you don't miss any communication from us.
Remember, this is your organization and the members make it what it is.