Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Joe W. Beamon |
10 |
Public Works |
Michael L. Brown |
24 |
Sheriff's Office |
William F. Gerstein |
26 |
Fire |
Nancy L. Gilliar |
5 |
Human Services |
Easter G. Grizzel |
32 |
Human Services |
Marya C. Lee |
33 |
Human Services |
Geraldine H. May |
30 |
Police |
Deserie E. McBride |
33 |
Human Services |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Daniel F. Adams |
24 |
Public Works |
James A. Branch |
38 |
Fire |
Diane T. Buckley |
24 |
Libraries |
John H. Bully, III |
6 |
Public Works |
Randy A. Davis |
21 |
Fire |
Christi K. Dewar |
18 |
Museums |
James R. Dickey |
20 |
Emergency Medical Services |
Joseph R. Gaspar |
22 |
Fire |
Christopher W. Langaster |
34 |
Planning |
Donald E. Lightfoot |
30 |
Public Works |
William J. Nighsonger, Jr. |
13 |
Public Works |
Terence E. Rodgers |
21 |
Parks and Recreation |
Daniel J. Schreiner |
26 |
Fire |
Deborah D. Zywna |
30 |
Planning |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
David L. Baldwin |
2 |
Human Services |
John C. Buckley |
9 |
Public Works |
John P. Clark |
26 |
Sheriff's Office |
Mark K. Hiltibran |
28 |
Fire |
Eric M. Johnson |
18 |
Sheriff's Office |
James W. Leary |
11 |
Finance |
Keith Lee |
15 |
Finance |
Harry McBrien |
29 |
Police |
Charles F. Oakes |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Beverly D. Patrick |
27 |
Human Services |
Steven C. Smith |
29 |
Public Works |
Kenneth E. Sooy |
37 |
Public Works |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Mark A. Bariso |
25 |
Police |
David C. Baust |
20 |
Emergency Medical Services |
Rudy T. Carrera II |
25 |
Police |
Bryan K. Credle |
38 |
Real Estate Assessor |
Catherine A. Garletts |
14 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Antonio B. Gonzalez, Jr. |
8 |
City Auditor |
Adriene E. Jackson |
13 |
Human Services |
Charlie J. Mills |
19 |
Real Estate Assessor |
James V. Rutherford |
23 |
Fire |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Josephine S. Bergstrom |
24 |
Libraries |
Michael W. Blackburn |
19 |
Police |
Kenneth R. Brown |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Samuel S. Brown |
23 |
Public Works |
Kathleen A.Deyo |
24 |
Sheriff's Office |
Norma P. Dunagan |
41 |
Public Utilities |
Helen M. Gradwell |
7 |
Libraries |
Stephen J. Greer |
20 |
Fire |
Robin M. Guenther |
25 |
Human Services |
Lissa E. Gundlach |
2 |
Parks and Recreation |
Susan J. Jusell |
2 |
Libraries |
Jeffrey D. Leonard |
19 |
Convention & Visitors Bureau |
Michael T. Little |
19 |
Human Services |
Roderick T. Marcelo |
23 |
Police |
Judith C. Mitchell |
35 |
Public Utilities |
Gregory T. Parker |
29 |
Fire |
Jonathan A. Rigolo |
41 |
Fire |
Larry D. Rivers |
16 |
Value |
James A. Shampoe |
19 |
Convention & Visitors Bureau |
Thomas S. Williams |
29 |
Sheriff's Office |
Beverley K. Wilson |
24 |
City Attorney's Office |
Ian Wright |
36 |
Communications & Info Tech |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Donald K. Austin |
25 |
Police |
William L. Brite |
37 |
Public Works |
Alexander A. Kashani |
25 |
Police |
Christina R. King |
28 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Lendora Norfleet |
19 |
Human Services |
Dana J. Porter |
24 |
Libraries |
Gary E. Sinniger |
24 |
Police |
Margaret L. Skinner |
28 |
Public Works |
Kathy L. Vargas |
28 |
Sheriff's Office |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Dale A. Bozeman |
16 |
Treasurer's Office |
Carl T. Britt |
37 |
Public Works |
Harold A. Malbon, Jr. |
28 |
Parks & Recreation |
Karen M. Marion |
13 |
Human Services |
Johnnie L. Oglesby |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Joseph O'Neill |
16 |
Police |
Brian E. Walters |
22 |
Police |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
James T. Barrett |
41 |
Public Utilities |
Patricia K. Bennett |
32 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Brent T. Calhoun |
29 |
Police |
Marie L. Carr |
16 |
Police |
Kathleen W. Fogarty |
11 |
Libraries |
Steven J. Kennedy |
42 |
Police |
Sherri M. Lee |
20 |
Parks and Recreation |
Sidney M. McPherson |
21 |
Public Works |
Kevin C. Reilly |
30 |
Police |
Joseph O. Scott |
43 |
Public Utilities |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Elizabeth Brown |
16 |
Parks & Recreation |
Denise Gaillard |
24 |
Human Services |
Billy E. Gilbert |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Nicola J. Morley |
24 |
Human Services |
Aida Ortiz |
18 |
Human Resources |
Kelvin Weldon |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Patrick J. Cooper |
26 |
Public Utilities |
Martin "MJ" Duffy |
25 |
Police |
Lisa L. Dunaway |
10 |
Real Estate Assessor's Office |
Domingo Lopez Soto |
21 |
Parks & Recreation |
Brian R. Luciano |
27 |
Police |
Jennifer W. MacArthur Evans |
17 |
Police |
James R. Stringfield |
35 |
Public Utilities |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Jesus "Tony" Averilla |
27 |
Police |
Kimberly J. Bailey |
5 |
Sheriff's Office |
Hope R. Bryant |
36 |
Sheriff's Office |
Christi L. Budy |
19 |
Emergency Medical Services |
Jeffery A. Calevas |
9 |
Communications and Info Tech |
James M. Cherry |
33 |
Public Utilities |
Tanya A. Clark |
26 |
Treasurer's Office |
Raymond W. Conway |
38 |
Public Works |
Darla R. Costa |
39 |
Communications and Info Tech |
John H. Crandell II |
36 |
Fire |
Pamela B. Crosson |
21 |
Public Works |
Gwen A. Ertmann |
2 |
Police |
Scott E. Graham |
21 |
Fire |
Laverne D. Grimstead |
44 |
Parks & Recreation |
David A. Harris |
27 |
Public Works |
James S. Hewlett |
30 |
Police |
Wanda E. Hill |
34 |
Public Works |
Donald L. Hollingsworth |
28 |
Public Works |
Dwayne A. Lamb |
27 |
Public Works |
Ralph S. Latta |
30 |
Sheriff's Office |
Dawn M. Leonard |
36 |
Human Resources |
Mark D. Likens |
29 |
Public Works |
Matthew T. Lindsey |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Suzanne M. Malush |
22 |
Libraries |
Gary D. McKinney |
24 |
Communications & Info Tech |
Bernard M. Moran |
5 |
Public Utilities |
John T. Orr |
36 |
Police |
Elizabeth A. Place |
23 |
Human Services |
Samuel E. Reid |
40 |
Public Works |
Moses P. Smith |
38 |
Public Works |
John A. Snyder |
7 |
Libraries |
Anne M. Studds |
32 |
Parks and Recreation |
Nanci K. Summerell |
17 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Cheryl L. Turner |
17 |
Human Resources |
Vicki C. Williams |
44 |
Police |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Steven T. Downing |
23 |
Police |
Rex F. Hahn |
35 |
Police |
Frank V. Hays IV |
21 |
Fire |
Stephanie A. H. Holman |
25 |
Human Services |
Michael E. T. Limbo |
8 |
Sheriff's Office |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Alison M. Arnette |
8 |
Human Services |
Leonora A. DeJesus |
13 |
Human Services |
Teresa A. Gardner |
38 |
Libraries |
Jerry L. Knight |
28 |
Public Works |
Darrell L. Orsak |
9 |
Planning |
Gabrielle C. Self |
33 |
Police |
Kenneth R. Zufall |
32 |
Public Utilities |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Robert Bills |
9 |
Planning |
Laron D. Payne |
38 |
Public Utilities |
Phillip D. Pullen |
28 |
Public Works |
William S. Skelaney |
43 |
Fire |
Kenneth Stolle |
25 |
Sheriff's Office |
Matthew T. Tuttle |
25 |
Police |
Karen L. Vastardis |
27 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Marty R. Williams |
41 |
Public Works |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
James A. Ballou |
25 |
Fire |
Christopher E. Fox |
30 |
Police |
John R. Gibbs |
22 |
Sheriff's Office |
George L. Hardin |
18 |
Public Works |
Maureen Hodges |
25 |
Public Works |
Gail L. Holly-Spates |
9 |
Human Services |
Robert C. Hook |
35 |
Public Works |
Jane I. Jones |
23 |
Sheriff's Office |
Mark R. Miller |
27 |
Police |
David G. Moller |
25 |
Parks and Recreation |
Martha Schwenk |
15 |
Human Services |
Scott A. Slaven |
12 |
Fire |
Catherine L. Staples |
33 |
Parks and Recreation |
Marianne L. Weir |
10 |
Human Services |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
James Michael Baker |
25 |
Police |
Frances E. Emerson |
5 |
Police |
Joseph P. Franze |
22 |
Sheriff's Office |
Von K. Freudenberg |
11 |
Sheriff's Office |
William "Skip" Frey |
26 |
Fire |
Jessie M. Godoy |
12 |
Public Utilities |
Shelli V. Hunter |
30 |
Police |
Juliette C. Lindsey |
29 |
Parks and Recreation |
Dean K. Massetti |
25 |
Police |
Edward K. McAndrews |
39 |
Fire |
Israel Medina |
34 |
Fire |
Fe G. Monzon |
23 |
Human Services |
Robin A. Nichols |
10 |
Commission of Revenue |
Deidra R. Peterson |
20 |
Fire |
William Christian Pierce |
30 |
Police |
Daryl J. Plude |
29 |
Police |
Eva S. Sumner |
19 |
Human Services |
Mark A. Walblay |
23 |
Police |
Charles R. Wolfe II |
25 |
Police |
Thomas E. Wright |
20 |
Fire |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Matthew M. Coneys |
22 |
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation |
William E. Dean |
30 |
Police |
Robert K. Edmonson |
26 |
Human Services |
Barry L. Glass |
25 |
Human Services |
Shawn L. Hall |
25 |
Fire |
Mark E. Hundley |
25 |
Fire |
Todd A. Jones |
36 |
Police |
Christopher I. Kennedy |
17 |
Parks and Recreation |
William Scott Moss |
21 |
Planning |
Theresa M. Patrick |
30 |
Sheriff's Office |
Lisa M. Payne |
43 |
Clerk Of Circuit Court |
Jo F. Robinson |
17 |
Parks and Recreation |
Victoria W. Thomson |
31 |
Sheriff's Office |
Marichu O. Tucay |
24 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Nancy S. White |
27 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Ann D. Wright |
15 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Christopher D. Arney |
26 |
Fire |
Debra J. Capps |
10 |
Public Health |
Elizabeth J. Deans |
29 |
Parks and Recreation |
William "David" McCarter, Jr. |
19 |
Communications & Info Tech |
Oliver T. Owens |
16 |
Public Utilities |
Andrea E. Robertson |
27 |
Police |
Darla L. Smith |
30 |
Finance |
Joni M. Waters |
29 |
Parks and Recreation |
Deborah A. Youmans |
15 |
Commissioner of Revenue |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Carol A. Butters |
24 |
Clerk of Circuit Court |
Robert K. Darling |
26 |
Fire |
Dean M. DaSilva |
35 |
Fire |
Sharla K. Delancey |
35 |
Libraries |
Richard P. Durden |
15 |
Police |
Tanya S. King |
33 |
Emergency Communications |
David M. Mack |
41 |
Public Works |
Dontrell A. Tyson |
3 |
Sheriff's Office |
Miryam A. Woodson |
22 |
Treasurer |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
David W. Bowers |
19 |
Police |
Cheryl A. Cole |
25 |
Public Works |
David L. Craver |
31 |
Parks & Recreation |
Jonathan A. Ewell |
21 |
Police |
Carl Franklin |
18 |
Public Works |
Pamela J. Harris-Gosslin |
19 |
Emergency Communications |
Tracey L. Hill |
9 |
Public Works |
David J. Keeler |
22 |
Emergency Medical Services |
Henri C. Norris |
25 |
Sheriff's Office |
Gregory E. Olds |
43 |
Public Utilities |
Donald Pruitt |
23 |
Public Utilities |
Nicholas A. White |
22 |
Fire |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Clay A. Acosta |
27 |
Police |
Cami L. Myers |
16 |
Libraries |
Cynthia L. Neavin |
34 |
Human Services |
Susan J. Raggiani |
26 |
Libraries |
Margaret M. Sullivan-Rucka |
33 |
Parks & Recreation |
James A. Williams |
26 |
Parks & Recreation |
Christian K. Wright |
26 |
Police |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Beverly A. Anderson |
25 |
Libraries |
Michael D. Armistead |
20 |
Public Works |
Antonio Escobar |
15 |
Police |
Patricia A. Green |
18 |
Planning |
Essex E. Johnson |
19 |
Public Works |
Sharon D. Jones |
16 |
Commonwealth Attorney's Office |
Jarvis D. Lynch III |
28 |
Police |
Nick W. Marino |
20 |
Police |
John L. Marshall |
23 |
Public Works |
Mark R. Mayo |
26 |
Fire |
Jason C. Nichols |
25 |
Fire |
Michael P. Perrigo |
20 |
Emergency Communications |
Susan H. Sadowski |
41 |
Public Utilities |
Scott R. Schubmehl |
26 |
Police |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Michael A. Askew |
17 |
Economic Development |
Pamela R. Baca |
17 |
Police |
Amy J. Bierman |
19 |
Police |
Edward M. Brazle |
27 |
Emergency Medical Services |
Maclovia M. Butler |
19 |
Human Services |
Anthony D. Chiuchiolo |
25 |
Public Utilities |
Ernest J. Cote, Jr. |
24 |
Communications & Info Tech |
Keith Crow |
16 |
Fire |
Susana S. Francisco |
31 |
Libraries |
Robert J. Frost |
23 |
Public Works |
Kevin L. Hershberger |
36 |
Planning |
Regina S. Hilliard |
35 |
Human Resources |
Chris T. Hinckle |
21 |
Fire |
Marguerite Holloman |
39 |
Public Works |
David W. Hutcheson |
34 |
Fire |
Alton D. Jenkins |
13 |
Public Works |
Deborah J. Lynch |
42 |
Human Services |
Allen L. Meredith, Sr. |
20 |
Sheriff's Office |
Brian K. Phelps |
40 |
Parks & Recreation |
Roy A. Price |
30 |
Public Works |
Robert D. Randall |
13 |
Public Works |
John E. Raper |
12 |
Public Works |
O. Barry Shockley |
42 |
Public Works |
Raymond K. White |
10 |
Economic Development |
Michael A. Wilson |
43 |
Public Utilities |
Name |
# of Years |
Department |
Andrea G. Bryk |
18 |
Police |
Rickey L. Butler |
41 |
Public Works |
Joseph R. Corley |
17 |
Emergency Medical Services |
James G. Crumble |
35 |
Public Works |
James E. Marafka |
29 |
Police |